Bonsai Tree Types and General Care | Ultimate Guides
Bonsai is a special Japanese art style used to build miniature trees that look like natural trees. These trees have been used as part of the decoration for decades in many traditional Japanese houses. In recent years, bonsai trees have achieved global popularity as decorative highlights in contemporary homes. Let's figure out which trees are perfect for Bonsai and learn how to take care of them.
How to Take Care of a Bonsai Tree
In this post, we will discuss the bonsai tree care in-depth, detailing the basics of what you need to do to grow a healthy young tree:Location for your bonsai trees
Is your Bonsai an indoor tree or an outdoor one? It is a widespread myth that most bonsai are indoor plants. Many common bonsai beginners are not fit for indoor living at all. It is necessary to consider the atmosphere, the time of year, and even the tree species in question.Lighting
Bonsais require between five to six hours of direct sunlight per day. If your tree is in a position where sunlight is not very powerful, you will maximize the number of hours your tree gets sunlight. If you switch your tree from a low light area to a more extreme, clear light area, do so gradually to prevent damage to your tree.Watering
Watering is the most important part of taking care of the Bonsai trees. How much a tree needs to be watered depends on a variety of factors. The goal is to water the saturation (i.e., watering until the water flows into the drainage holes in the bottom of the pot) Then watch the tree and, as it starts to dry out, continue the watering process. Read more about How to watering bonsaiBonsai soil
Soil is essential to provide nutrients to your bonsai trees, but it also needs to drain properly. Healthy potting soil is one that promotes optimum aeration and drainage of water. Note to use soil with an acceptable pH content, ideally in the range of 6.5 to 7.5. It will cause standing water to drain out of the soil while still maintaining some moisture for the plant. Read more about bonsai soilRepotting
Repotting is important for maintaining a good bonsai tree. Younger and faster-growing trees tend to be repotted more frequently. By re-potting your tree, you replenish your home and preserve its nutrient upkeep. The perfect time to repot is shortly after the season. Bonsai retains a lot of energy in its roots during the dormant season and can use it to grow in the summer. Re-potting will provide the tree with fresh nutrients that it requires to expand and prosper. The right size of the pot is a personal judgment that represents your personality and needs to match your personality. Read more about repotting bonsaiFertilizing
Fertilizing frequently during the growing season is vital to the success of your Bonsai. Outdoor bonsai trees will only have to be fed during the growing season. Using a specially formulated fertilizer for use with bonsai trees to ensure the right amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are available. The right fertilizer is responsible for the green color of the leaves, the growth of the roots, and the flowering of the plants. Read more about how to fertilize bonsaiPruning and Trimming
Pruning a bonsai tree can seem daunting at first, since it is an art form, and any mistake made will be apparent. Maintenance pruning may be undertaken at any time of year, but systemic pruning is better achieved at the beginning of each season. Note to use sharp tools to avoid any harm to your bonsai tree. If you don't feel ready to learn how to prune your bonsai, you might employ a specialist once a year to do a structural prune. For most people with green fingertips or an artistic hand, they should be able to prune a bonsai tree. Read more about training and prunning bonsaiBonsai Varieties
Bald Cypress (Taxodium Distichum).
The Bald Cypress, regardless of it's extremely sluggish development, is an extremely popular bonsai tree, grown for its light, feathery foliage and orange-brown fall color. It can be cultivated in a broad variety of soils consisting of well-drained websites where it would not grow naturally due to the failure of the young seedlings to contend with other plants. Outstanding for the bonsai newbie, the Bald Cypress tree is an outstanding option for somebody who is simply getting begun in the pastime, as it is so simple to grow.
OKINAWA HOLLY (Malphigia coccigera).
The Okinawa Holly is a remarkable, mini variation of the Holly that produces small pink flowers throughout the spring and summer season months. Since of its size, strength, and distinct look, this tree is a fantastic option for bonsai.
SNOWBUSH (Breynia disticha).
The Snowbush, likewise called Snow on the Mountain, is a gorgeous tree that has fantastic leaf size and remarkable color, which depending on the lighting, modifications. When the Snowbush is grown in complete sun, the leaves are in fact smaller sized, developing a denser type of bonsai, and coloring of pine and white.
SHIMPAKU (Juniperus chinesis).
Shimpaku is likewise understood as the Chinese Juniper, an exceptional option for bonsai. The good thing about making use of the Shimpaku tree for bonsai is the year round foliage with dark, green needles, lovely to look at and soft to touch.
LAVENDER STAR FLOWER (Grewia occidentalis).
The flowers produced on this tree are genuinely spectacular, lavender in color. The Lavender Star Flower is a perfect option for bonsai, reaching about 10 inches tall by age 8. Read more Lavender Star Flower Bonsai
DWARF POMEGRANATE (Punica granatum).
The Dwarf Pomegranate is a subtropical deciduous tree that produces awesome orange/red trumpet-shaped flowers, which are then followed by small orange/red decorative fruit. This tree makes a terrific option for bonsai.
BLOOMING CRABAPPLE (Malus sargenti).
The Flowering Crabapple is one of the finest blooming trees for bonsai, right along with Azaleas. This tree produces spectacular white, aromatic flowers that will certainly cover the whole tree throughout the early spring months simply prior to the beginning of foliage.
JABOTICABA (Eugenia cauliflora).
Stemming from Brazil, the Jaboticaba belongs to the Myrtle household and relative to Guava. The botanical name of Cauliflora equates to flowers, which is produced by this tree. In addition, the Jaboticaba produces fruit on fully grown branches and trunk.
CHINESE BIRD PLUM (Sageretia theezans).
The Chinese Bird Plum is a terrific blooming tree. The Chinese Bird Plum is grown throughout China particularly for bonsai.
BAMBOO (Dracena sanderiana).
One of the interesting elements of bamboo is that so lots of types make terrific bonsai. In addition to making a stunning option for bonsai, bamboo, specifically "Lucky" Bamboo is likewise stated to bring excellent fortune to its owner.
HOLLY (Ilex).
When talking about Ilex, keep in mind there are more than 400 types within this deciduous and evergreen tree household. The Ilex types of Holly have little, smooth leaves make the finest option for bonsai.
PONYTAIL PALM (Beaucamea recurvata).
When it comes to growing bonsai, the Ponytail Palm is undoubtedly one of the special types. The trunk's structure in fact feels and looks like an elephant's foot. The tree can hold so much water in the wild that it can go up to 4 weeks in between watering.
BRUSH CHERRY (Eugenia myrtifolia).
In addition, the Brush Cherry produces puffy white flowers. By the time the Brush Cherry reaches age 10, it stands about 14 inches tall, perfect for a bonsai.
GINKGO (Ginkgo Biloba).
Called 'Chichi Icho' in the native nation, which suggests 'bust' the Ginkgo is a reverenced tree. This old tree likewise makes an outstanding bonsai.
HAWAIIAN UMBRELLA TREE (Arboricola schefflera).
The Hawaiian Umbrella Tree can be found in a dwarf variation that makes a gorgeous bonsai. Of all bonsai trees, this certain one is most likely the most convenient to keep and grow, making it best for novices. Considering that the Hawaiian Umbrella Trees can endure low light conditions, it is perfect for indoor development.
HINOKI CYPRESS (Chamaecyparis sp.).
Understood as, the False Cypress, this evergreen conifer shows flat, deep green foliage that fans out wonderfully. The edges of the leaves have blue coloring and the tree when mature will certainly produce mini cones, generally the size of a pea.
JAPANESE WHITE PINE (Pinus Parviflora).
If you desire a noticeably lovely bonsai, the Japanese White Pine is it. This thick tree can grow upwards to 50-foot tall in the wild however when trained, it ends up being a splendid bonsai.
FUKIEN TEA (Carmona microphylla).
The leaves on this tree are little, glossy, and dark green, covered with small hairs. In the early summer season months, this bonsai tree produces mini however stunning flowers, which then turn to small black berries.
BOXWOOD (Buxus).
Boxwood is a classification of evergreen shrubs with roughly 70 various types. Usually discovered in the rocky hillsides of Africa, Asia, Central America, and Europe, the Boxwood is little, making them perfect for bonsai. In the spring, the Boxwood will certainly show male flowers of stunning yellow, surrounded by single, female flowers.
TRIDENT MAPLE (Acer buergerianum).
As a relative to the Japanese Maple, the Trident Maple is a lovely deciduous tree that works well for bonsai growing. Understood for its spectacular colors of foliage in the fall, which vary from a faded orange to hot pepper red, this tree is bushy on the leading with a thick, strong trunk.
There are numerous remarkable designs of the Zelkova that make excellent bonsai tree. The Elm Zelkova (Zelkova carpinifolia) and Japanese Zelkova (Zelkova serrata) are 2 leading options. These plants stem from western Asia where they like cooler environments.
This twining, woody climber is grown mainly on the damp stream banks of China, Japan, and Korea, along with main and south United States. With spectacular gorgeous flowers and green leaves, the Wisteria is a preferred for bonsai lovers. Rather than train a Wisteria to fulfill conventional bonsai styling, it is grown to show the stunning flowers.
FUKIEN TEA (Carmona microphylla).
The leaves on this tree are little, glossy, and dark green, covered with small hairs. In the early summer season months, this bonsai tree produces mini however stunning flowers, which then turn to small black berries.
BOXWOOD (Buxus).
Boxwood is a classification of evergreen shrubs with roughly 70 various types. Usually discovered in the rocky hillsides of Africa, Asia, Central America, and Europe, the Boxwood is little, making them perfect for bonsai. In the spring, the Boxwood will certainly show male flowers of stunning yellow, surrounded by single, female flowers.
TRIDENT MAPLE (Acer buergerianum).
As a relative to the Japanese Maple, the Trident Maple is a lovely deciduous tree that works well for bonsai growing. Understood for its spectacular colors of foliage in the fall, which vary from a faded orange to hot pepper red, this tree is bushy on the leading with a thick, strong trunk.
There are numerous remarkable designs of the Zelkova that make excellent bonsai tree. The Elm Zelkova (Zelkova carpinifolia) and Japanese Zelkova (Zelkova serrata) are 2 leading options. These plants stem from western Asia where they like cooler environments.
This twining, woody climber is grown mainly on the damp stream banks of China, Japan, and Korea, along with main and south United States. With spectacular gorgeous flowers and green leaves, the Wisteria is a preferred for bonsai lovers. Rather than train a Wisteria to fulfill conventional bonsai styling, it is grown to show the stunning flowers.
When picking a Magnolia for bonsai, the Star (stellata) types transcends. This slow-growing shrub is thick and bushy, frequently using up to 30 years to produce flowers. Once the blooming starts, you will certainly take pleasure in white, star-shaped flowers on bare branches that determine about 5 inches throughout.
The Satsuki Azalea is a popular option when it comes to bonsai. This certain plant is really durable and produces splendid flowers varying as much as 7 inches in diameter. Of all blooming shrubs, the Azalea is without a doubt the most remarkable.
JUNIPER (Juniperus).
Thought about a really durable conifer, the Juniper is a non-flowering tree that makes an excellent option for bonsai due to the fact that of it is so simple to train and trim. With quick development patterns, you would normally see long, streaming branches that can be trained in practically any bonsai design with the exception of the broom design.
JAPANESE MAPLE (Acer palmatum).
Grown mainly in gardens, the Japanese Maple is a terrific types for bonsai. Since this tree is extremely compact, has fragile foliage, and produces spectacular color in the fall of gold and red, you can not fall however assist in love with the Japanese Maple. In all, you would discover over 300 various types, all with various size, color, and leaf shape.
When searching for the best tree to train for bonsai, the Japanese Black Pine ought to arrive on the top of the list. This strong tree reacts rather well to a variety of methods while supplying outstanding development qualities. It makes an excellent option for newbie or advanced bonsai tree lovers due to the fact that of the Japanese Black Pine being flexible and so sturdy.
BLOOMING QUINCE (Chaenomeles).
The Flowering Quince is a remarkable option for bonsai. Due to the fact that the Flowering Quince is frost sturdy and has the capability to adjust to lots of various environments, it stays a popular bonsai tree around the world.
CAMELLIA (japonica).
Camellia bonsai tree are grown from a number of types to consist of Camellia sasanqua, Camellia japonica, and Camellia reticulate. This type of bonsai tree is preferred due to the fact that of the stunning blooming period.
JADE TREE (Crassula Ovata syn. C.Arborescens).
Belonging to South Africa, this evergreen is finest grown within, never ever being exposed to temperature levels less than 41 degrees. The trunk of the Jade Tree is thick with a branch structure of thick, elliptic leaves that are beautiful. When the leaves are offered with appropriate sunshine, they will certainly turn red around the outdoors edges while the tree produces stunning blooms of star-shaped white flowers in the fall.
In all, you would discover over 8,000 hybrid and cultivars of Fuchsia with numerous of those making terrific options for bonsai. Some of the leading options for bonsai lovers consist of F. Lady Thumb, F Tom Thumb, and Microphylla.
FICUS (Rainforest Fig).
This deciduous bonsai tree grows naturally in Southeast Asia. In all, there are actually hundreds of types, each gorgeous and special.
DWARF POMEGRANATE (Punica Granatum var. Nana).
This subtropical deciduous tree is a remarkable option for bonsai with its advanced blooming and fruiting qualities. The interesting element of the Dwarf Pomegranate is that every element is the very same as a mature tree. The fruits, flowers, and leaves are identical just miniaturized.
This arching deciduous shrub makes a gorgeous bonsai. The Cotoneaster tree is simple to grow and durable, makings it a perfect option for newbies. The leaves are little and the tree produces lovely, fragile white flowers in the spring.
CHINESE ELM (Ulmus Parvifolia).
The Chinese Elm is among the most popular options for bonsai. This tree can quickly mature to 60 feet in the wild. The Chinese Elm can likewise be trained as the best bonsai sampling.
The Satsuki Azalea is a popular option when it comes to bonsai. This certain plant is really durable and produces splendid flowers varying as much as 7 inches in diameter. Of all blooming shrubs, the Azalea is without a doubt the most remarkable.
JUNIPER (Juniperus).
Thought about a really durable conifer, the Juniper is a non-flowering tree that makes an excellent option for bonsai due to the fact that of it is so simple to train and trim. With quick development patterns, you would normally see long, streaming branches that can be trained in practically any bonsai design with the exception of the broom design.
JAPANESE MAPLE (Acer palmatum).
Grown mainly in gardens, the Japanese Maple is a terrific types for bonsai. Since this tree is extremely compact, has fragile foliage, and produces spectacular color in the fall of gold and red, you can not fall however assist in love with the Japanese Maple. In all, you would discover over 300 various types, all with various size, color, and leaf shape.
When searching for the best tree to train for bonsai, the Japanese Black Pine ought to arrive on the top of the list. This strong tree reacts rather well to a variety of methods while supplying outstanding development qualities. It makes an excellent option for newbie or advanced bonsai tree lovers due to the fact that of the Japanese Black Pine being flexible and so sturdy.
BLOOMING QUINCE (Chaenomeles).
The Flowering Quince is a remarkable option for bonsai. Due to the fact that the Flowering Quince is frost sturdy and has the capability to adjust to lots of various environments, it stays a popular bonsai tree around the world.
CAMELLIA (japonica).
Camellia bonsai tree are grown from a number of types to consist of Camellia sasanqua, Camellia japonica, and Camellia reticulate. This type of bonsai tree is preferred due to the fact that of the stunning blooming period.
JADE TREE (Crassula Ovata syn. C.Arborescens).
Belonging to South Africa, this evergreen is finest grown within, never ever being exposed to temperature levels less than 41 degrees. The trunk of the Jade Tree is thick with a branch structure of thick, elliptic leaves that are beautiful. When the leaves are offered with appropriate sunshine, they will certainly turn red around the outdoors edges while the tree produces stunning blooms of star-shaped white flowers in the fall.
In all, you would discover over 8,000 hybrid and cultivars of Fuchsia with numerous of those making terrific options for bonsai. Some of the leading options for bonsai lovers consist of F. Lady Thumb, F Tom Thumb, and Microphylla.
FICUS (Rainforest Fig).
This deciduous bonsai tree grows naturally in Southeast Asia. In all, there are actually hundreds of types, each gorgeous and special.
DWARF POMEGRANATE (Punica Granatum var. Nana).
This subtropical deciduous tree is a remarkable option for bonsai with its advanced blooming and fruiting qualities. The interesting element of the Dwarf Pomegranate is that every element is the very same as a mature tree. The fruits, flowers, and leaves are identical just miniaturized.
This arching deciduous shrub makes a gorgeous bonsai. The Cotoneaster tree is simple to grow and durable, makings it a perfect option for newbies. The leaves are little and the tree produces lovely, fragile white flowers in the spring.
CHINESE ELM (Ulmus Parvifolia).
The Chinese Elm is among the most popular options for bonsai. This tree can quickly mature to 60 feet in the wild. The Chinese Elm can likewise be trained as the best bonsai sampling.
List Of Bonsai Trees
Apple Bonsai Trees | Grapevine Bonsai Trees |
Artificial Bonsai Trees | Green Mound Juniper Bonsai Trees |
Azalea Bonsai Tree | Hibiscus Bonsai Trees |
Bahama Berry Bonsai Tree | Himalayan Cedar Bonsai Trees |
Bald Cypress Bonsai Tree | Indoor & Outdoor Bonsai Trees |
Bamboo Bonsai Trees | Jade Bonsai Trees |
Black Olive Bonsai Trees | Japanese Black Pine Bonsai Trees |
Bonsai Money Trees | Japanese Maple Bonsai Trees |
Bonsai Styles | Juniper Bonsai Trees |
Bonsai Trees For Sale | Liquidambar Bonsai Trees |
Bougainvillea Bonsai Trees | Mimosa Bonsai Trees |
Boxwood Bonsai Trees | Needle Juniper Bonsai Trees |
Broadleaf Bonsai Trees | Norfolk Island Pine Bonsai Trees |
Bromeliad Bonsai Trees | Oak Bonsai Trees |
Buddha’s Ear Bonsai Trees | Pine Bonsai Trees |
Buttonwood Bonsai Trees | Pomegranate Bonsai Trees |
Cactus Combo Bonsai Trees | Powder Puff Bonsai Trees |
Cape Honeysuckle Bonsai Trees | Preserved Bonsai Trees |
Cedar Bonsai Trees | Privet Bonsai Trees |
Cherry Blossom Bonsai Trees | Pyracantha Bonsai Trees |
Cherry Bonsai Trees | Redwood Bonsai Trees |
Chinese Elm Bonsai Trees | Rosemary Bonsai Trees |
Coniferous Bonsai Trees | Sea Grape Bonsai Trees |
Crepe Myrtle Bonsai Trees | Serissa Bonsai Trees |
Deciduous Bonsai Trees | Shohin Bonsai Trees |
Dogwood Bonsai Trees | Trident Maple Bonsai Trees |
Evergreen Bonsai Trees | Tropical Bonsai Trees |
Ficus Bonsai Trees | Types of Bonsai Trees |
Flowering Bonsai Trees | Weeping Willow Bonsai Trees |
Fukien Tea Bonsai Trees | Where to Find Discount Bonsai Trees |
Ginkgo Bonsai Trees | Wisteria Bonsai Trees |
Ginseng Ficus Bonsai Trees | Zelkova Bonsai Trees |